a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming for the Goldsmiths of London:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.87 recto
Folio 87 Recto (Page 175)Folio 87 Verso (Page 176)

Folio 87 Recto (Page 175)
Compare Witnesses:
A desguysing to þe mayre by þe Goldsmithes
And now filoweþe a lettre made in wyse of balade by ledegate
dann iohan of a mommynge whiche þe Goldesmythes of þe
Cite of Londoun mommed in Rigħt fressħe and costele welycħ
desguysing to þeyre Mayre Estefeld vponn Candelmasse day
at nygħt affter souper brougħt and presented vn to
Þe Mayre by an her ande cleped ffortune
Þat1 worþy david / whicħ þat slougħe Golye
Þe first kyng / þat sprang onte of Iesse
Of god echosen / þe bookes specefye
By Samuel sette / in his royal see
Witħ twelve trybus / is comen to þis Citee
Brougħt royal gyfftes / kyngly him taquyte
Þe noble mayre / to seen and to vysyte
Þe first trybe þe byble cane wełł telle
Is called Iuda þe hardy strong lyounn
ffor2 whos kynrede / for hit did excelle
Cryst lyneally / he came adowne
Whicħ lycħe david / was þe Chaumpyoun
Þat sloughe þe tyraunt / to gete him self aprysse
Man to restore ageyne / to Paradys
Þis noble david moost migħty and moost goode
Is nowe descended / in his estate royal
Witħ alle þe trybus / of Iacobus blood
  1. The curved mark over the thorn often appears, albeit inconsistently, over "y" in a capital or the first line of page, but generally does not appear as such over thorn.
  2. MacCraken corrects this to "Fro" with a marginal acknowledgement that "For" is the MS rendering. Additional 29729 has "fro."