a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
British Library Harley 2251 Verses

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f.41 recto
Folio 40 RectoFolio 40 VersoFolio 41 RectoFolio 41 VersoFolio 42 Recto

Folio 41 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
Beholde the spere most sharply / ground and whet
Myn hert wounded / vpon the Right syde
Beholde the Reede spere / Galle and eysel set
Behold the scornyng / which I dide abyde
And my fyve woundys / that were made so wyde
Whiche noman liste / of rewth to aduertise
And thus I was of mekenes ageynst pryde
Ffor mannys offence / offrid in sacrifice
Se my disciples / how they han me forsake
And fro me fledde / almost euerichon
Se how they slept / and list nat with me wake
Of mortal drede / they left me allon
Except my moder / and my cousyn seynt Iohnn
My deth compleyneng / in most doolful wise
Se fro my crosse / they wold neuer Rise gon
Ffor mannys offence / whan I dide sacrifice
Se how I was / Iuged to the deth
Se Baraban gon / at his liberte
Se how with a spere / longnis me sleth
Beholde two licours / distillyng downe from me
Se bloode and water / be merciful plente
Raile be my sides / whiche ought suffice
To man / what I vpon the Roode tre
Was like a lamb / offred in sacrifice
Beholde the knyghtis / whiche be theyr frowarde chaunce
Satte for my clothis / atte dyse to pleye
Beholde my moder / swounyng for grevaunce
Vpon the crosse / whan she saugħ me deye
Beholde the sepulcre / in whiche my bones leye
Kept with stronge waccħe / til I did a rise
Of helle gatis / se how I brak the key
And gaf for man / my bloode in sacrifice