a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
British Library Arundel 285 Verses

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f.170 verso
Folio 170 Versofolio 172 RectoFolio 172 VersoFolio 173 RectoFolio 173 VersoFolio 174 RectoFolio 174 Verso

Folio 170 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
BEhald1 man lift vp thy ene and see
Quhat mortall pains I sufferit for thy trespace
With pietuouß woce I cry and say to the
Behald my woundis behald my paile2face
Behald the rebukkis þat dois me so manance
Behald my enemes þat dois me so dissagis3
And how þat I ȝow to reformit to grace
Wes lik ane lamb affeort in Sacrafice
BEhald þe Iowis4 of quhom I wes tak
Behald þe cordis with quhilk I was bund
Behald the harmes quhilk gart my hart quaik
Behald þe garding in quilk I was fund
Behalde hou Iudas tuke xxx d5 rounde
Behalde his tresoun behald his couatice
Behalde how I with mony a mortall wound
Wes Lik ane lambe offerit in sacrifice6
BEhalde7 and se to Cayphas how I was presintit
Behalde how pylot left me no respyte
Behalde hou bischopis war to my deid assentit
And hou þat herode had me at dispyte8
  1. The lower bow of the b is two lines high, while the upper limb is above the initial line.
  2. the EETS edition has "blody" here
  3. The EETS edition has "despice." Based on the letter form of "grace" in the line following line and "p" in "appaelde" in verse 108 (folio 172v), "paradice" in verse 117 (folio 174v) and "pilgramage" in verse 118 (folio 174v) it seems more likely that the letter form is "g" here.
  4. The EETS edition has "peynemes" here.
  5. The EETS edition has "pens," which is what "d" abbreviates to here.
  6. The verse following this one, which is analogous to verse 103 in the EETS edition and begins "Se my discyple," is missing from this witness.
  7. While the capital letter here is two lines high the lower bow, rather than the upper, is in line with the initial line.
  8. When the manuscript was rebound a leaf was interposed between this leaf and the one following, which contains a portion of William Dunbar's 'Of the passioun of Christ.' The DIMEV entry for the manuscript does not note this break, but does acknowledge it in the Dunbar entry. At the top of the recto size of the leaf is a note stating "this leaf is misplaced - it should be transferred before the two preceding ones." The manuscript has also be refoliated to correct for this error.