a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming for the Goldsmiths of London:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.87 verso
Folio 87 Recto (Page 175)Folio 87 Verso (Page 176)

Folio 87 Verso (Page 176)
Compare Witnesses:
A desgysing to þe mayre
ffor to presenten in especial
Gyfftes þat beon boþe hevenly and moral
Apperteyning1 vn to good gouuernaunce
Vn to þe Mayre / for to doo plesaunce
ffrome his cytee / of Iherusalem
He is come dovne / of humble wille and thougħt
þe Arke of god brigħt as þe sonne beeme
In to þis tovne / he haþe goodely brougħt
Whicħ designeþe / if hit be wel sougħt
Grace and good2 eure / and long prosperitee
Perpetuelly to byde in þis cytee
O yee levytes / whycħ bere þis lordes arke
Dooþe youre devoyre / witħ hevenly armonye
Þe gret mysterye / deuoutely for to marke
Witħ laude and prys / þe lord to magnefye
Of oon acorde sheweþe / your melodye
Syngeþe for Ioye / þat þe Arke is sent
Nowe to þe Mayre / witħ hoole and truwe entent
Whylome þis Arke / abyding in þe hous
Of Ebdomadon / brougħt in ful gret Ioye
ffor in effect / it was / more gracyous
Þanne euer was Palladyone of Troye
hit did gret gladnesse / and hit did accoye
Thinges contrarye / and al aduersytee
Þeffect þer of whane David did see
•• Palladyone was a relyk and an ymage
sent by þe goddes in to þe cytee of Troye
þe whicħ kept helm in longe presperite ageynst
alle hir enemys
and fully knewe / howe god list for to blesse
Thorugħe his vertu / and his migħty grace
Þat of gladdnesse / þey migħt no thing mysse
Wher hit aboode / any maner spaace
God of his migħt halowed so þe place
Wher fore Kyng david / by gret deuocion
Maade of þis Ark / a fayre translacion
In to his hond / and his palays Royal
Brougħt by þe levytes / witħ gret solempuytee
  1. A stroke through the descenders of both p's serves as the suspension mark here. See also line seven of verse four below, where it occurs after the second p. No other p's in the witness have a similar strikethrough, so they have not been rendered here.
  2. There's a stroke underneath the g that is likely meant to be a strikethrough of the "l" glyphs of the line following based on the use elsewhere in the manuscript.