a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming at Windsor:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.36 recto
Folio 36 Recto (Page 71)Folio 36 Verso (Page 72)Folio 37 Recto (Page 73)Folio 37 Verso (Page 74)

Folio 36 Recto (Page 71)
Compare Witnesses:
Howe þampoule and þe floure delyce came to þe kynges of ffraunce
1Nowe foloweþe nexst þe devyse of a momyng to fore þe
kyng henry þe six for being in his Castełł of Wyndesore þe
fest of his crystmasse holding þer made by lidegate daun
Ioħn þe munk of Bury howe þampułł and þe floure delys
came first to þe kynges of ffraunce by myrakle at Reynes
Mooste2 noble prynce / of Cristen prynces alle
To youre hyegħnesse / lat hit beo pleasaunce
In youre presence / men may to mynde calle
Howe þat whylom /3 oure worthy Reavme4 of ffraunce
Conuerted was / frome þeyre mescreaunce
Whane þe lord of lordes / caste a sigħt
Vponn youre lande / and made his grace aligħt
ffor in þe hegħe / hevenly consistorye
Be ful acorde / of þe Trynitee
As in cronycles / maked as memorye
þe lord whicħ is / called oon twoo and thre
His eyegħe of mercy / caste on Cloudovee
Shadde his grace / of goostely influence
Towardes þat kyng / having his aduertence
Þat he shoulde passe / frome paganymes lawe
By prescyence / whicħ þat is devyne
His hert al hoolly / and him self witħ drawe
ffrome his ydooles / And alle hees Rytes fyne
Whane hevenly grace / did vponn him shyne
By meene oonly / and by devoute preyer
Of saint Cloote moost / goodly and entier
Hir hertely loue / his meditacyouns
Hir wacche hir fasting / and hir parfyt lyf
Hir stedfast hoope / hir hooly orysouns
Hir conuersacyoun moost contemplatyff
  1. The "n" for nota is erased slightly, but this does not appear to be a deliberate erasure as the initial of the first verse of the mumming proper is. There is also a "d" to the left of the nota mark, suggesting an order to items that may not be being followed in the manuscript.
  2. This initial is rendered later, with a plus to its left. The original initial letter and the nota mark to its left have been inexpertly erased.
  3. The Virgule here has been marked over in a darker color, but this seems to have no informational meaning.
  4. Much like , the scribe has rendered what is likely "Realme" as "Reavme." The EETS edition has rendered it this way, but BL Add. 29729 is rendered as "realme."