a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming at Windsor:
Trinity R.3.20 Verses

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f.36 verso
Folio 36 Recto (Page 71)Folio 36 Verso (Page 72)Folio 37 Recto (Page 73)Folio 37 Verso (Page 74)

Folio 36 Verso (Page 72)
Compare Witnesses:
Of Þe Ampoułł
Stynt in ffraunce of Mawmetrye þe stryff
Causing þe lawe / moost souereign of vertue
To sprede a broode / of oure lord Ihesu
Hir meryte caused / and hir parfit entent
Þat Crystes feyth / aboute þer did sprede
Whane þat an Aungel / was frome heven sent
Vn to an hermyte / of parfyt lyf in deed
Presented it / whoo so can take heed
A shelde of Azure / moost souerein by devys
And in þe feelde of golde three floure delys
At Ioye en Vale / witħ oute more obstacle
ffol al þis cas / where þaungel doune aligħt
A place notable / chosen by myracle
Whicħ thorugħe / al ffraunce shadde his bemys ligħt
God of his grace / caste on þat place a sigħt
ffor to þat Realme1 / is passing avauntage
In þilke vale was sette þat hermytage
Al þis came In / whoo so list to seen
I dare afferme it / witħ oute any dreed
By parfytnesse / of þe hooly qweene
Saynte Cloote / floure of wommanheed
What euer she spake / acordant was þe deed
I mene it þus / þat worde and worke was oon
It is no wonder / for wymen soo beon echoon
A daun Iohan est yvray
Hir hoolynesse / ffraunce did enlumyne
And Crystes fayth / gretly magnefye
Loo what grace / dooþe in wymmen shyne
Whas assuraunce / noman may denye
To seye pleyne troutħ / nys no flaterye
But stabulnesse / In wymmen for to fynde
Deemeþe youre selff / wher it komeþe hem of kynde
ffor thorugħe meeknesse / yif it beo2 adverted
Of saynte Cloote / and thorugħ hir hyegħe prudence
Kyng Cloudovee was to oure feytħ converted
  1. The EETS edition has "reavme" here, but other words in the witness suggest that it is likely to be "realme," here capitalized. The mistake on MacCraken's part is understandable, however, as the bow of the "l" is larger than in most other examples and it is very similar to the v in "avauntage" in the same line as well as "vale" in the line following. Additional 29729 has "realme," which provides another example of how both witnesses are likely taken from a now-missing exemplar.
  2. The EETS edition has "be" here, which may be a decision on MacCraken's part that the "o" terminating this word is in fact part of the "e" prior. However, it is similar enough to "beo" elsewhere in the poem -- see -- that it is more likely to be "beo."