a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
A Mumming at London:
British Library Additional 29729 Verses

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f.141 verso
Folio 140 RectoFolio 140 VersoFolio 141 RectoFolio 141 VersoFolio 142 RectoFolio 142 VersoFolio 143 RectoFolio 143 VersoFolio 144 Recto

Folio 141 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
gaue him1 water vnto hys handes
and phebus2 held him the towayle
but of this dreme the devynaile
his daughter gaue to specyfye
and for to forne to prophesye
whych called leryopee3
she sayde he shuld an hanged be
this was hir exposicyouny4
loo how hir pryde was brought adoun
and all thos chaunges / yf they be sought
this falls lady hath them wrought
aualed with ther sodayne shures
the worthy[n]esse5 of conqueroures
rede of poetes the comedyes
and in dyuers tragedyes
ye shall by lamentacyons
ffynden ther distruccyons
athousande mo / than I can tell
Inn to myscheffe how they fell
doune from hir wheell / on see and lande
yet for hir malys / to withstand6
hir pompe hir surquydye / hir pryd
yf she woll / a whyle abyd
foure ladyes shall come here anon
whicħ shall hir power / ouergone
and the malyce / eke oppresse
of this blynd falls goddesse
yff she be hardy in this place
onys for to show hir double face
Now kometh here the first lady of the foure dame prudence7
Loo here this lady in your presence
of poetes called is dame prudence8
the whych / with hir merour bright
and hyr myrrour called prouydence9
Is stronge to make resistence
In hur foresight as it is right
agayngst fortune / and all hur myght
ffor senec10 sayth who that can se
that prudence11 hath eyegħon thre
speciallye in hur lokynges
  1. This could be "hys," but comparison with "his" beginning the fourth line on this page suggests that it's meant as "him," especially when the latter is compared with "hys" on this line.
  2. Bracketed on both sides.
  3. Bracketed on both sides.
  4. As with other items in this witness a "y" or "h" appears as the final glyph of words with the "oun" ending. However, unlike with other examples the "y" appears to have been struck out here.
  5. The scribe forgot the "n", and has included it above the space between "y" and "e" in this word.
  6. Trinity R.3.20 has "Þer-fore" rather than "yet" here.
  7. Bracketed on both sides.
  8. Bracketed on the left.
  9. Bracketed on both sides.
  10. Bracketed on the left.
  11. Bracketed on both sides.