a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
British Library Additional 34193 Verses

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f.225 verso
Folio 223 VersoFolio 224 RectoFolio 224 VersoFolio 225 RectoFolio 225 VersoFolio 226 RectoFolio 226 VersoFolio 227 RectoFolio 227 VersoFolio 228 RectoFolio 228 Verso

Folio 225 Verso
Compare Witnesses:
There is no loue perfitly grounded
But it of Ihesu toke his oregynałł
ffor vpon Ihesu ałł perfitenesse fundon
Oure toure oure castełł gevyn powers Infernałł
Oure porte coles oure bulwerke1 and oure walles
Oure shelde oure paueys agayne ałł aduersite
Oure heritage oure gwerdon eternałł
To ałł creature I bowe shałł the knee
Condyggn2 ne lande nor commendacion
yese to this name cane no tunge tełł
Of gostely fode richesse refeccion
Hede sprynge of grace of lyfe condite and welle
Ihesu named there dare no dragon dewelle
Blessiddest bavme of oure felicite
Ałł kankered sores and poysons to repelle
ffrom þem to Ihesu þat knelen vpon þer knee
At wellis v lycouris I shall drawe
To washe the ruste of my Synnes blive
Were ałł the misteres of the olde and new lawe
Toke orrigenałł3 morally to discrive
I mene the wellis of Cristes woundis v
Whereby we clayme oure mercyfułł piete
Thurgħ help of Ihesu þat gracius porte to arryve
Therto haue mercy knelynge on oure knee
This name Ihesu by interpetacion
his for to say oure blessed sauiore
Oure stronge sampson þat strangeld þe lyon
Oure lorde oure makere and oure creature
And by his passion frome dethe oure redempture
Oure orpheus that fromm Captiuite
ffette ooudite to his celestiałł toure
To whome ałł creatures bow shałł þer knee
  1. It appears here that the scribe rendered what they considered the wrong form of "g" here, attempted to correct themselves, and then decided to strike the entire second portion of the word out.
  2. It appears that here the scribe wrote an "or" ligature (compare, for example, to "morally" following) and then followed it by a stand-alone "r."