a picture of John Lydgate with the initials of the
The Testament of John Lydgate:
British Library Additional 34193 Verses

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f.227 recto
Folio 223 VersoFolio 224 RectoFolio 224 VersoFolio 225 RectoFolio 225 VersoFolio 226 RectoFolio 226 VersoFolio 227 RectoFolio 227 VersoFolio 228 RectoFolio 228 Verso

Folio 227 Recto
Compare Witnesses:
O Ihesu mercy Support of thy grace
ffor thy meke passion remembraunce of my compleynt
Durynge my lyf with many gret trespase
Be my wrongs passith wer where I haue myswent
I now purpose be the grace Influent
To wright a tretise of Surfetis done to þe
And całł it my last testament
With Ihesu mercy knelynge on my knee
The yers passied of my grene yougħ
Of my fressħ age sered þe grenesse
Lust appallitħ the experiens is couth
The vnwyldy Ioyntes sterkyd with rudenesse
The cloudy sigħt mysted with derkenesse
With oute redresse recoure ore amendes
To me of deth hathe brougħt in the kalendis
Of my spent tyme A fole may wełł compleyne
Thynge impossible a gayne for to recouer
dayes lost in ydyłł no man may recouer1
Them to Refome be non aventure
Eche mortałłe man is la callid þe lure
Of dethe als vncłayne þe passage
Whos chefe marno2 oo is callide crokid age
On of this bediłł named febulnes
Cam with his potent in stede of A m ace3
Sumpned me and aftyre cam sekenesse
Malyncolik ertħly and pale of face
Withe there waraunt these ii gan mance4 mance
How dothe d on me his due dette Sought
And to a bede of langoure þey me brougħ
  1. The scribe appears to have accidentally repeated the last word of the final line of the prior line.
  2. There is what appears to be a "oo" above the space between this word and "is", but as the word rendered here is significantly different than the EETS edition's "marynere" I have left it unclear in the following word.
  3. The EETS edition has "mace," but the glyph is unclear. It may be "merce" with an "er" construction.
  4. The scribe appears to have written the word "manace" with a suspension mark over the "ac" grouping, but then decided to write the word out instaead. For some reason, however, the a they use is the form typically seen elsewhere as capital "a" in the manuscript. This form seen in non-capital places elsewhere.